Work Experience
Data Scientist CEA Paris-Saclay, France (Sep 2021-Present)
Built Natural Gas consumption analysis of US at county level to find correlation between temperature and consumption, and their dependence on socio-economic variables like income, employment, housing etc
Developed interactive visualization tools and deployed them as a cloud application (Using Plotly, Streamlit, Voila, and Heroku)
Designing methods to quantify regional budgets of anthropogenic CO2 emissions using ground-based near real-time activity data on energy and mobility. Carbon Monitor:
Machine Learning Intern Orange Labs, Cesson-Sévigné, France (Feb 2021-Aug 2021)
Validated and enhanced data within a knowledge graph in the Internet of Things domain using state of the art algorithms for deep graph learning and graph embeddings for knowledge graphs
Achieved excellent performance for embeddings with 98% ROC-AUC and > 80% average precision scores in prediction of missing links in the graph by using an end-to-end machine learning pipeline
Machine Learning Intern Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Étienne, France (Apr 2020-Jul 2020)
Generated dynamic graph embeddings (numerical representation of proteins) using deep Autoencoders and predicted missing protein interactions in the network with an accuracy score of 80% using SVM
Identified important protein clusters (ranging from 1 to 24 clusters depending on the cell type) from dynamic graph embeddings using K-NN and clustering algorithms
Machine learning, Deep Learning, Data Analysis, Computer Vision, Big Data & Project Management
Course website:
Python, R, Matlab, GIT, SQL, LaTeX, HTML
PowerBI, Docker, Pyspark, Linux, Cloud Computing
TensorFlow, Pytorch, Keras, Sci-kit Learn, MatplotLib, Seaborn, Plotly, Numpy, Pandas, NetworkX, DGL, Pytorch Geometric, Sci-Py, BERT, NLTK, SpaCy
Master Machine Learning Data Mining Université Jean Monnet (Average: 15,6/20) (2019-2021)
Languages and Tools
- rohithteja
- Make the data shine!