NLP Kaggle Competition (TOP 8 Rank)
2021 NLP challenge of a multi-class classification task with 28 classes, where the task is to assign the correct job category to a job description. In this competition, our team secured 8th position in the private leaderboard.
MLflow Pipeline of Twitter Spam Detection Problem
Integrated MLFlow project on twitter social spam
detection problem in conda and docker env to perform
experiments and access metadata using MLFlow UI
Twitter Sentiment Analysis and Tweet Extraction
Detailed analysis of 9 different neural network
algorithms including Transformer models on sentiment
analysis and tweet extraction to understand and report
performance of each method on classification task
Image Denoising using Autoencoders
Generated artificial images using Deep Convolution
GANS and denoised images with deep autoencoder for
MNIST and CIFAR10 images
Twitter Social Spam Detection
Built an ML model for spam detection by applying
different case studies for feature selection (sklearn, PCA) and performed analysis to identify outliers and
clusters in the twitter spam dataset
Effects of Artifical Imbalancy on KNN Performance
Analyzed Waveform dataset by using K-NN algorithm
and experimented by generating artificial imbalancy in
the labels to test robustness of KNN
Graph Machine Learning using Pytorch Geometric
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) and Graph Attention Networks (GAT) implementation using pytorch geometric on the cora dataset
Graph Machine Learning using DGL
Graph Neural Network implementation using DGL and benchmark datasets like Cora, Citeseer and Pubmed.
Data mining on Mice Protein Expression Dataset
This project involves data cleaning, feature extraction, model building, hyperparameter tuning with cross validation and PCA in R.
Probalilistic Modeling with Hidden Markov Models
Application of Hidden markov models to calculate the probability of future observations using Forward, Backward and Viterbi algorithms.
DC-GANS using Keras for Image Generation
Generative Adversarial Neural Networks used to generate new images for MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets.
Reinforcement Learning and Deep Q Learning
Reinforcement techniques like policy iteration, value iteration, Q-learning are studied and experimented on different OpenAI environments (using the gym python library).
Kernel Trick on Machine Learning Algorithms
Machine Learning algorithms were built from scratch with and without using Kernel trick. Algorithms like PCA, KMeans, LASVM, OCSVM,
Passive aggressive online algorithm were covered.
Digital AD Marketing Data Analysis
Deployed ML model using FastAPI to predict optimal
keyword bid for digital ad marketing data and
performed analysis on how to improve KPIs, identified
best performing markets, campaigns and keywords